what is digital marketing is ?
Branding and Marketing of any product or services in order to increase its sales to achieve the profit maximization and growth prosperity in the business by using digital technologies is mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertisements, and any other digital medium

Digital Marketing Mediums
•Search Engines
•Social Media
•Mobile Apps
•QnA platforms
What is Website?
A Website is place on World Wide Web where the set of related Web pages, including multimedia content, typically identified with a common Domain Name.
what is the name is?
A Domain Name is your website name. A domain name is the address where Internet users can access your website.
Interesting Facts
related to
Domain Name
www.symbolics.com is first company to register their domain name on 15-Mar-1985
www.hp.com is 9th company to register their domain name on 03-Mar-1986.
www.ibm.com is 11th company on 19-Mar-1986.
www.intel.com is 13th company on 25-Mar-1986.
Most Expensive Domain Name
The domain name www.insurance.com is bought for
$35.6 million (around INR 232 Crore) .
What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website so that it attracts more visitors from search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.
•Organic Marketing
•Inorganic Marketing
How is SEO Done?
SEO depends upon many factors and Algorithms created by Search engines.
82% of Search Users click on Organic links.
SEO takes Good Time and Efforts.
SEO increases the Leads and Brand Authority .
What are Search Engine Algorithms?
The set of rules, regulations, nd parameters that the search engines uses to determine the significance of web page and give them ranking on keywords according to the search query are called search engine Algorithms and every search engine has its own rules.

Some Google Algorithm Updates
Google Panda Algorithm
Google Penguin Algorithm
Google Hummingbird Algorithm
Google EMD Algorithm
Google Caffeine Algorithm
Google Pirate Algorithm
Google Pigeon Algorithm
Google Mobile Friendly Algorithm
Google Payday Update Algorithm

Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in the results pages primarily through paid advertising.
This is also known as Inorganic Marketing or Paid Marketing.
two things that count are :-
•Pay Per Click
•Cost Per Mile
Pay Per Click
Pay per Click (PPC) or Cost per Click (CPC) is internet advertising in which use to derive traffic to your website and advertiser will pay when the ad is clicked.
Cost Per Mile
Cost per 1000 Impressions (CPI) or Cost per Mile (CPM) is the cost of advertising or marketing where advertiser pay each time when ad is displayed. The cost incurred for every 1000 customers views the advertisement
How to do PPC or CPM?
PPC or CPM can be implemented using these programs
•Google AdWords
•Bing Ads
•18% users Click on Paid Ads.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service and to Increase Brand Awareness and Business Leads

Social Media Marketing is an integral part of Content Marketing”
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing and distributing of Original content for a targeted audience online.

Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is a technique for drawing customers to products and services via content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization and branding.
Inbound marketing is focused on attracting customers through relevant and helpful Content and Context & adding Value at every stage in your Customer’s Buying Journey.

It’s all about converting Strangers into Customers.


You need to get people to your website.
So the first and biggest challenge in Internet marketing is generating visitors.
• Optimizing your website & blog for search engines
• Driving visitors from the major social media sites
• Driving visitors from Print and Paid ads.
Once people visit your website and blog, you need to convert as many of them as possible to leads.
There are two elements you need to build to generate leads:
• Calls-To-Action
• Landing pages

The key to success in turning leads into clients is polite persistence. You need to stay-in-touch with people.
You need an excuse to stay-in-touch and that excuse is content.
“Lead nurturing is about staying in touch.”
Lead nurturing
Lead nurturing is staying in touch with leads long after they initially inquire/ fill out a form on your website.
50% of leads are generally lost from your revenue if you don’t nurture them.
One of the beauties of Internet marketing is that Everything is Measurable.
To be One of the Best in your field you need to Measure and to Analyze. And after analyzing take Action to Improve.
If you don’t measure, analyze, and improve, your competitors will and then they grab your Web Traffic, Leads, and Customers.
Web Analytics

Web Analytics is the study of online /offline patterns and trends. It is a technique that you can employ to Collect , Measure and Analyze your website data.
Analyze the Performance of the Website and Optimize its Web usage.
Web Analytics Process
1.Set the BusinessGoals.
2.To track the goal achievement, set the Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
3. Collect correct and suitable data.
4.To extract insights, Analyze data.
5. Test alternatives
. 6. Implement insights.
Key Metrics of analytics :-
Audience :-
•Bounce Rate
•Page per Session
•Traffic Sources •Content •Locations •Conversions
•Traffic Sources
Direct oPaid

•Behaviour Flow • Site Content • Site Speed • Site Search
Case Study :-
When a Baby is born in India usually Elders of the family such as Aunties, Dadi’s, Grandparent and whole family come together to take care of a baby and come up with Advice and Tips for Baby Care.
But now as Urbanization developed somewhere our family circle is fragmented.
Due to Nuclear families, long distance family relations and demanding career we are not staying in the Joint family, due to which couples with First Time Parenting face many issues related to parenting.
To Resolve their issues they Go Online.

But due to the Lack of Content in the Indian Context, they rely and depend on international context content.
Observations and conclusion :-
•1 min videos were most viewed as parents and caregivers like short and crispy content.
•76% of mothers search for parenting tips.
•75% of mothers search for health and nutrition tips for babies .
•More than 20 million Mothers on YouTube look for videos on caring for babies.
• 41% of mothers are searching on YouTube for queries related to baby care.

Strategy Adopted by johnson and johnson :-
•First they analysis the type of queries which come up related to parenting.
•To provide the answer to the queries most effectively, they partnered with Google search and YouTube
•Create a library of content in the form of videos on their YouTube channel and text on baby center (official website).
•Relevant content in video format was created with a content production expert to win at the zero moments of truth; which included videos like product demos, testimonials, mommy blogger videos, health care professional’s guides, tips & tricks etc.
•Result throw up on these two search engines are very appropriate each time when a particular question asked by a user. •On the other hand, if the user typed in ‘how to bathe a baby’, they redirect to a demo video of how to bathe a baby.
•This is how Johnson & Johnson start their journey to reach out the first time parenting couples of showcasing what is best for babies and help caregivers in the happy and healthy development of their baby.

•28 Million reach – Caregivers
•113 Millions views till March 2018.
•100 years of watch-time and growing
•More than 14k subscribers in one week.
•67.2 K subscribers till March 2018.
•Also received 350+ contest entries In just a year our Best For Baby Channel crossed 100 years of watch time.
First understand the Consumer Behavior then Position their Product , so they easily created Recall Value in the mind of Targeted Audience.

next :- https://onlydigitalway.com/blog/save-the-business-from-coronavirus/